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Microlutra [mahy-kroh-loo-truh]

Microlutras are tiny, pocketsize otters. They are extremely sociable, and like living in groups called lodges. They have long, slim bodies and short limbs armed with tiny, harmless claws. Adults can grow up to 20 centimetres in length and up to 6 pounds in weight. They have very soft fur that is waterproof, making them lovely swimming companions. Their diet consists mainly of small fish, shrimp, and clams. Lutes can be of any colouration, natural or fantasy. Their markings are widely varied as well.


Amoris Creek is the Lute's breeding place. When the time is right, pairs of Lutes makes their way to the stream and build dens where they will stay during the season. Each litter can result in 2-4 pups.

Registered Lineages

With the endless possibilities of colours and markings, Lute breeding is often considered an art. Registered lineages are basically family trees of Lutes that originate from the same original pair of Lutes, called the progenitors. That pair's offspring are the first generation, theirs the second, and so on.

Requirements to register: The breeder must have a (at least) second generation Lute, and must be willing to register the Lute's parents, grandparents, etc. up to the progenitors to the same lineage. The Lutes involved do not all need to be owned by the breeder registering the lineage, but they must accquire permission from the breeders who own the Lutes they do not. No inbreeding is allowed in registed lineages.

To register a lineage: When a breeder has bred a second generation Lute and has all the permission required, they may go to PAGE TBD to register their lineage. The lineage will be listed under the breeder who puts in the form, though the Lutes in the lineage may be owned by other breeders.

Adding Lutes to a lineage: Each Lute must be individually registered to a lineage and are not automatically added to a lineage when bred. Lutes are only allowed to be in a lineage if one of its parents are a registered memeber of the lineage. Lutes may only be registered in one lineage. To add a new Lute to an existing lineage, go to PAGE TBD.

Ex.: Turnip is a part of the Veggie Lineage. He had babies with Petal, who is a part of the Flora Lineage. The babies may be registed in either the Veggie or Flora lineage, but not both.

Ex. 2: Raindrop is a part of the Water lineage. Raindrop had babies with Spark, who is not a part of any lineage. Their babies may be registered in the Water Lineage, but Spark may not, even though she will appear on the family tree.

Benefits of registering a lineage: Registered lineages will have their own special page on the EotS site, complete with a family tree. It makes you cool. Prizes may be added later.

Lutes do not need to belong to a registered lineage, and breeders do not have to register lineages unless they would like to.